Who am I?

Dr Fawaz Al-Khateeb is a lawyer with vast experience in publishing legal content that combines theoretical and practical aspects of the law, becoming keen to consistently contribute to the legal field. He aims to enlighten the legal thought in society.

Know More about Dr. Fawaz Al-Khateeb

Dr Fawaz Al-Khateeb is a member of the oldest and leading law firms in Kuwait and the Gulf - Taher Group Law Firm (1969). He also works as a visiting assistant professor in the Criminal Department at the Kuwait International Law School.

Academic background

Dr Fawaz Alkhateeb holds a bachelor’s degree from Kuwait University (2009) and obtained a master’s degree in law from the University of Manchester, UK (2012). He obtained his doctorate in financial crime (insider dealing), with an Islamic philosophical perspective, from Durham University’s Law School, UK (2021). He was a co-convener of the Institute of Commercial and Corporate Law at Durham University’s Law School from 2018 to 2020. He has been a member of the board of directors of the Kuwait Institute for Advocacy and Legal Studies at the Bar (Kuwaiti Lawyers Association) since 2020.

Work Experience

• Member at the Kuwait Lawyers Association (BAR) 2009. • Dr Alkhateeb has had exposure as a legal consultant at the British Legal Advisory Center in Manchester in collaboration with Clifford Chance LLP, Hill Dickinson Law Firm and Manchester University. • Member of the board of directors of the Kuwait Institute for Advocacy and Legal Studies at the Bar (Kuwaiti Lawyers Association) since 2020. • A teaching assistant at KILAW from 2014 to 2015. • Awarded the Strategic Management and Leadership qualification (CMI Level 7) from the Chartered Management Institute and Queens’ University Belfast, UK, in 2018. • A certified quality auditor at the International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA) since 2014. • Registered Receiver at the Ministry of Justice, Kuwait. • Registered Arbitrator at the Commercial Arbitration Center of Kuwait in the BAR. • Registered Arbitrator at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI), Kuwait. • Co-Convener of the Institute of Commercial and Corporate Law at Durham University, Law School. • Member and vice-president of the Kuwaiti Mind Sports Association (Kuwait Chess Federation) 2014–2017

Membership of external committees

Dr. Al-Khatib is currently chairing the Criminal Laws Review Committee in the Kuwaiti Lawyers Association. He previously chaired the Committee for the Defense of the Constitution, and the Permanent Committee for the Defense of Lawyers.


• Member at the Kuwait Lawyers Association (BAR) 2009.
• Dr Alkhateeb has had exposure as a legal consultant at the British Legal Advisory Center in Manchester in collaboration with Clifford Chance LLP, Hill Dickinson Law Firm and Manchester University.
• Member of the board of directors of the Kuwait Institute for Advocacy and Legal Studies at the Bar (Kuwaiti Lawyers Association) since 2020.
• A teaching assistant at KILAW from 2014 to 2015.
• Awarded the Strategic Management and Leadership qualification (CMI Level 7) from the Chartered Management Institute and Queens’ University Belfast, UK, in 2018.
• A certified quality auditor at the International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA) since 2014.
• Registered Receiver at the Ministry of Justice, Kuwait.
• Registered Arbitrator at the Commercial Arbitration Center of Kuwait in the BAR.
• Registered Arbitrator at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI), Kuwait.
• Co-Convener of the Institute of Commercial and Corporate Law at Durham University, Law School.
• Member and vice-president of the Kuwaiti Mind Sports Association (Kuwait Chess Federation) 2014–2017

National & International Activities

Dr Alkhateeb participated in several legal training courses and workshops:
▪ Participation in the InfoSec Summit'22 symposium on "The Role of Laws, Policies and Regulations in Electronic Resilience" at Kuwait University - College of Life Sciences on 25/5/2022 on the subject of cybersecurity law and the policies and standards governing data security, privacy and compliance.
▪ Participated in a legal awareness Symposium on ‘Criminal Procedures and Crimes’, which was conducted for the staff of the UK Embassy in Kuwait on 16/3/2022.
▪ Participated in a symposium on the ‘Role of Law in Confronting the Scourge of Drugs and Psychotropic Substances’, held in Kilaw in Kuwait on 15/3/2022.
▪ Participated in the Hague talks on ‘women’s rights under the circumstances of Corona’, held at the Gulf University on 8/3/2022 in honour of International Woman’s Day arranged by Taher Group Law Firm with the Embassy of Kingdom of the Netherlands in Kuwait.
▪ Participated in a legal discussion workshop on ‘End Human Trafficking', held by the US Embassy and U.S. State Dept. Trafficking in Persons Office, regarding the 2021 Trafficking in Persons Report, on 1/2/2022.
▪ Participated in a panel discussion entitled ‘Conventions that need to be ratified — a working day on enforced disappearance and combating torture’ held by the Kuwaiti BAR on 15/12/2021.
▪ Participated in a symposium on ‘Legal Implications of Cyberattacks at CitraKuwait’s 3rd Cybersecurity Education & Research Conference 2021’, which was held at Kuwait University in collaboration with the UK Embassy and the UK Science and Innovation Network, in partnership with the Communications and Information Technology Regulatory Authority in Kuwait, the Kuwait College of Science and Technology, and the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences held on 27/11/2021.
▪ Participated in a symposium on ‘Electronic Litigation - an Urgent Need’, held by the BAR in Kuwait on 11/5/2021.
▪ Presented a workshop on Directors' and Officers' Liability to Kuwait Oil Company and its subsidiaries in February 2020.
▪ Presented a training course on the Kuwaiti Labor Law to leading companies in the private sector in January 2015, organised by TAG.
▪ Delivered a training course on Medical Malpractice for a leading medical group in Kuwait in June 2015, organised by TAG.
▪ Participated in the International Referral Global Conference (IR Global 2018), London, UK, October 2018.
▪ Participated in the International Referral Global Conference (IR Global 2012), London, UK, September 2012.
▪ Participated in the TAG Law International Conference, Brussels, Belgium, October 2012.
▪ Managed a seminar titled ‘the National Unity’, in Manchester, UK, March 2012.

Opinions & Studies

All ● Claiming insanity is a criminal phenomenon or legal loopholes? ● The security agreement violates the articles of the constitution ● The impact of economic theories compared to the United Kingdom company and the Kuwaiti company’s law ● Lawyers Association: Judicial oversight is a guarantee for all ● Al-Khateeb: Extension of the authority of the administrative judiciary over issues of nationality, places of worship, and deportation is a constitutional right ● (Lawyers) organized a panel discussion on the constitution and citizenship ● Detaining a lawyer who requested to attend the investigation is a severe violation of the law ● Al-Qabas electronic opens medical files ● Doing business in Kuwait ● "Taher Group" and "Kuwait Medical International": 7 recommendations to reduce infection with "Corona" ● The Kuwaiti legislator has set several penalties for violating the competition protection law, including a fine of up to 100,000 Kuwaiti dinars ● Lawyer Fawaz Al-Khateeb calls for the abolition of the law that criminalizes eating in public during daytime in Ramadan ● Lawyer Fawaz Al-Khateeb: Effects of the Constitutional Court’s ruling regarding the invalidity of the declaration of Mr Dahome's victory and the invalidity of his membership ● Article on the National Assembly's Economic and Financial Affairs Committee ● Criminal cases adjourn the Abdali cell case to the December 8 session ● Al-Sadiq Mosque bombing case postponed to 25 for closing arguments ● The appeal postpones the consideration of the Abdali cell case to the 18th session of this month ● The appeal adjourns the case of the Abdali cell to the April 13 session ● The appeal postpones the consideration of the Abdali cell case to the 20th session of this month ● Fawaz Al-Khateeb wins second place in the Tawafuq Conference ● A case of terrorism opens sectarian differences in Kuwait ● Al-Khateeb wins second place in the Consensus Conference of the Islamic National Accord Movement ● A sports official praises the results of the Kuwait Speed Chess Championship ● Alkhateeb sponsors Green Day event in Kuwait University ● Al-Khateeb: Al-Hajri's victory in an international chess championship is a pride for Kuwaiti Mind sports ● Social day for Taher's legal team ● The Mind Sports Club achieves first place in the Asian Championship for the Turkish Dama ● Alkhateeb sponsors the 2015 Fisher Chess Cup in Kuwait ● Appeal acquits a citizen of possession and use of drugs ● The Committee for the Defense of the Constitution in Lawyers is working in April ● Delegated misdemeanours acquitted a female citizen of insulting on Twitter and misusing a phone ● The inmate in the central prison, Zuhair Abdulhadi Al-Mahmeed, files an official complaint to the Speaker of the National Assembly ● Meeting of the members of the Lawyers Association and the Committee to Amend the Law of Cases with members of the National Assembly ● Al-Khateeb: Providing medical treatment is a fundamental right of the prison inmate ● Lawyer Fawaz Al-Khateeb: The death penalty is a phenomenon of violence and revenge ● Every perpetrator must be held accountable according to the constitutional principle that the accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty ● A message from a group of academics and intellectuals to the nation's representatives regarding national reconciliation and lifting grievances against various segments of society without exception ● Circulating rumours and misinformation about vaccination exposes its owner to a prison sentence of no less than three years ● Honoring Taher Group Law Firm as the first professional company in Kuwait ● Rejection of absolute administrative deportation without oversight or examination ● fall crimes ● The legal sector cannot dispense with the foreign element ● Speech of Lawyer Abdulaziz Taher at the ceremony honouring Taher Group Law Company ● The government's failure to provide a financial statement, in violation of Article 150 of the Constitution ● The imprisoned citizen is entitled to 150 dinars in rent allowance and all rights to housing care ● Periods and deadlines have a decisive role in the origin of the right governed by the text or the means for its realization ● The spectre of collapse faces thousands of small and medium-sized companies in Kuwait ● "Bankruptcy" enters into force by lifting the seizure and summons for 80 thousand debtors ● The Court of Appeal obliges a bank to pay 101 thousand dinars ● The Ministry of Interior must control what is prohibited from recklessness and recklessness without violating the natural right of movement ● The police's use of cruelty against a Kuwaiti during his peaceful gathering in Al-Gharada Square constitutes a crime in which the penalty is imprisonment for up to 3 years ● The judiciary will only redress the stateless ● Banning suicide attempts is against the law ● Kuwaiti women... deserve the honour of military service ● Discrimination supports the innocence of the accused of illegal access to social media accounts ● Fraud and cybercrime crimes are of high risk, and the competent authorities should recon

Social Contribution

▪ Doing Business in the State of Kuwait: An Overview (Thomson Reuters, Q&A, January 2022) Link.
▪ "Reducing Corporate Responsibility: Advice from the External Consultant" (Association of Institutional Advisors ‘ACC’ 2017) p 34.
▪ "The Impact of Economic Theory on Corporate Law in the United Kingdom and the State of Kuwait – Comparative Study" (JD Supra, LLC 2012).
▪ "Building Consistent and Stable Countries" (Kuwait: National Consensus Conference ‘INCM’ conference paper, April 2014).

Dr Alkhateeb has also defended the rights of prisoners and detainees, and several international human rights reports have highlighted his legal efforts regarding detainees, including the report issued by the Human Rights Council of the United Nations from the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention in the opinion adopted at its eighty-eighth session. He has also advocated the inclusion of the Forensic Medicine Department in the Ministry of Justice, instead of the Ministry of the Interior, to facilitate independence and help limit torture. He has presented much legislative support for the independence and impartiality of the justice system in Kuwait by providing his legal opinion on several legislations related to (1) Law No. (70) of 2020 regarding the practice of the medical profession (2) Criminal law and Criminal Procedure law (3) Electronic Litigation (4) Law on Statelessness through working with NGOs, the Kuwaiti Lawyer Association (BAR) and committees in the Parliament.
He contributed to the World Bank’s global indicators (The World Development Indicators) in the field of investment climate and business empowerment, as well as in the area of women’s economic participation within the framework of Kuwaiti law in 2021.
Dr Alkhateeb is a legal influencer in Kuwait and the GCC, with controversial views that he expresses by promoting freedom of belief, anti-racism, and advocates preventing any exploitation of criminal law to impose ideologies and promotes the benefits of pluralism. He also advocates promoting women’s participation in all sectors based on equality and ceasing the gender-based discrimination inherited by the tradition. He has also called for the activation of absolute judicial supervision on all issues, such as deporting foreigners, nationality and rights of worship, in contrast to current policy in the State of Kuwait and GCC. He is a columnist for Arab Times and his fingerprints are seen in leading media channels such as BBC Arabic, Reuters, Al-Arabiya, Sky News, Swissinfo, Kuwait Official TV Arabic and English channels, The Kuwaiti Parliament official TV, Al-Qabas, Kuwait FM and Marina FM to name a few.